[Wikipedia-l] moderation of mark williamson

Mark Williamson node.ue at gmail.com
Tue Nov 29 01:30:27 UTC 2005

That's quite fine.

But it doesn't seem right, seeing as you don't often read my e-mails.
If you did, perhaps it would make sense, but seeing as you don't, I
think such a decision should come from somebody who reads all of my


On 28/11/05, Elisabeth Bauer <elian at djini.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> I usually don't read the postings of Mark Williamson (only the answers
> to his) but now I accidentally saw that he has forwarded the private
> email of another wikipedian to the list. Add to this the frequent
> flame-wars and attacks on people... Watching the list degrade into
> endless fights about absurd language proposals, in my opinion it's
> enough. I switched his account to moderated now.
> greetings,
> elian
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