[Wikipedia-l] Re: [WikiEN-l] For those wondering why Wikipedia is slow sometimes

David Gerard fun at thingy.apana.org.au
Sun Nov 27 21:21:54 UTC 2005

Anthony DiPierro wrote:
> On 11/27/05, David Gerard <fun at thingy.apana.org.au> wrote:

>>Requests have *doubled* since September. We're just about keeping up
>>with demand ...
>>And remember that this top-40 website is run by one paid admin/developer
>>and some volunteers on a shoestring by a nonprofit ...

> Nothing like seeing the problem and the solution all in one handy email.

Devs/admins are actually possibly a useful thing for local chapters to
spend money on, by the way. (We were talking about this today.) Though
that is probably a way off.

I suspect throwing more boxes at the problem, carefully applied, is
probably the best immediate fix.

- d.

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