[Wikipedia-l] (no subject)

Ahmad Najib Biabani anobleboy at gmail.com
Sat Nov 26 10:50:55 UTC 2005

Dear Sir/Madam greetings!

With due venerations it is stated that i am an Afghan citizen, and Afghani
or Pashto is my mother tongue. I was very glad when I saw in your website
that you have a separate Wikipedia in the mentioned language
http://ps.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page, but unfortunately the website is not
developed to the standereds of other Wikipedia webpages.

I am applying for the voluntary developer of Pashto language Wikipedia. Now
if you please let me understand that why is it possible for other users of
pashto Wikipedia that they can change the appearance of the first page
according to their own wills.

I think you guys should limit the access of Wikipedia editors. I mean those
who are registered users of Wikipedia should have access in editing the main
page of Pashto Wikipedia.

There was one thing else that i wanted to make clear, and that is if it is
possible to change the navagation tools, search bar and tool box options
into main language. I mean it is easy to translate and replace it with the
english language that has been used in the main page.

Please provide me with some informations about how can i become a permanent
voluntary editor of Pashto Wikipedia. I promise in developing the pushto
wikipedia according to the standards of other wikipedias.

yorus faithfully

Ahmed Najib Biabani

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