[Wikipedia-l] User Jcb deleting articles in ia.wikipedia.org

ilooy ilooy.gaon at gmail.com
Thu Nov 24 22:28:48 UTC 2005

2005/11/23, Mark Williamson <node.ue at gmail.com>:
> "Articles they were working on"... last time I checked, the Great
> Purges at ia.wiki were all of itty-bitty articles, some less than 5
> words. Find me one that was more than a paragraph, and I'll be
> surprised.

Mark, in one article you say one
thing in your last one you say another
I've been asked to back off and not
continue this "war" with you.

Well, I now have some information
thanks to Andre Engels I know
more about what happened and why
a lot of articles disappeard and without
discussions at that. Now I'm getting
the heat from a User Waerth who
is vowing to leave nl.wiki due to
censorship and who still claims
to be a steward. Why is he posting
on my discussion page with such
venom and spunk??? What is there
between ia.wiki and nl???

The whole Bible in Interlingua for one
could not be on ia.wiki the reason,
it hasn't been translated yet.

BTW Mark, do any of these IP's belong to you?

That may also tell me "volumes".

Anyway, I'm done with this discussion.
I've found out somethings several of us
at ia.wiki were wondering about and
will probably discuss over at Interlng.

My apologies to Jcb who was scape
goated by me... it was so as to
flush out information on this matter.
Also to Mithridates/Torquil who also
got pricked in my poking about for
answers and had nothing to do with
the strage stuff going on at ia.wiki

And Mark, mind your tone and don't
burn any bridges, I'm taking my own
counsel to heart, as well.

With regards,
Jay B.

ilooy.gaon at gmail.com

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