[Wikipedia-l] User Jcb deleting articles in ia.wikipedia.org

Mark Williamson node.ue at gmail.com
Wed Nov 23 06:19:10 UTC 2005

On 22/11/05, ilooy <ilooy.gaon at gmail.com> wrote:
> This behavior will not be tolerated.
> I have blocked the Trojan-horse
> admin and his IP address.
> Iste comportamento non sera tolerate.
> Io ha bloccate iste admin Cavallo-Trojan
> e su adresse de IP.


> This person is not the only one
> who has done this type of activity
> at the ia.wiki ...and... to substain
> this type of abuse is just intolerable.
> Iste persona non esseva le unic
> qui ha facite iste typo de activitate
> in le ia.wiki ...e... supportar iste
> typo de abuso es intolerabile.

If he's not the only one, then maybe there's some solid reasoning behind it?
Si ille no es le unic, ergo forsan hay alicun rationamento solide pro ille?

> Hundreds and hundreds of articles
> have been deleted since this wiki
> reached its highest amount of
> submitted articles. Since then
> many contributors have walked
> away from the project disgusted
> that the articles they were working
> on were deleted.

"Articles they were working on"... last time I checked, the Great
Purges at ia.wiki were all of itty-bitty articles, some less than 5
words. Find me one that was more than a paragraph, and I'll be

> Many of the articles were deleted
> because they were "mere stubs".
> The reason they are stubs is because
> many folks are still working on these
> articles... Is this the situation in other
> Wikipedias... to delete stubs willy-nilly?
> I think not!

It depends on the Wikipedia. I posted a stub on the Zuñi language to
the Japanese WP. A month later, it was deleted for being a stub,
despite the fact that it was a few sentences long. Different WPs have
different thresholds of quality.

> I consider this attack on the ia.wiki
> to be akin to vandalism. It has got to
> stop and it better stop soon.

You consider? You? And remind me how many people there are at ia.wiki?
Your only type of authority is that you are an admin.

Rather than BLOCKING HIM, which is utterly inappropriate, you
should've REQUESTED HE BE DESYSOPPED for what you considered to be
inappropriate actions on his part.

> Whatever I can do to halt this form
> of abuse I will do. And so would any
> other reasonable member of this
> community. I'm sure.
> Qualcosa que io pote facer pro poner
> un halto a iste forma de abuso, io lo
> facera. E tamben facerea assi qualcunque
> membro rationabile de iste communitate.
> De isto io es secur.

So anybody who disagrees with you isn't reasonable? I'm sure.
Assi alcuno qui disaccorda no es rational?? De _isto_, io es secur.


"Take away their language, destroy their souls." -- Joseph Stalin

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