[Wikipedia-l] Re: Status of Serbia and Montenegro chapter

Wikipedia Romania (Ronline) rowikipedia at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 7 06:20:27 UTC 2005


As a bystander here I am really, really confused about

Now, could someone please translate what Djordje wrote
on the sr.wiki. An honest translation. There are
reasonable grounds to believe this is a hoax, for a
few reasons:

*Djordje's backtracking over this project with
statements like "I'm sorry, it was a hoax"
*Node's expression of "noble" language, etc, which
makes it seem very much like a joke (honestly...)
*The most important point - there are NO internet
sources on this language. None at all! Surely if this
was an actual language, there would be at least one
source calling it Zlatiborian.

Node - you said that you have some books on this
language, and you seem to know quite a lot about it
(vocabulary differences, etc). Are there any sources
on the Internet about this? And proof?

In conclusion - I'm not against the Zlatiborian
Wikipedia, but I'm really in doubt over whether it
actually exists. 

I am from Romania, so I know Southeastern Europe quite
well, and I can tell you that while I've heard of
Zlatibor, I've never heard of a Zlatiborian language
before. Languages like Livonian which have 10 speakers
get more coverage on the Internet than Zlatiborian -
that's what worries me.

And Milos - just because there is a proposal on
Zlatiborian doesn't mean it's board-endorsed or
anything. I don't think you have reasonable grounds to
say that because five users have supported a certain
initiative, you will quit Wikipedia or stop the
foundation of Wikimedia SCG.



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