[Wikipedia-l] unblocking - bureaucrats?

Peter Gervai grin at grin.hu
Thu Nov 3 11:06:23 UTC 2005

On Wed, 2 Nov 2005 07:31:08 -0700
Mark Williamson <node.ue at gmail.com> wrote:

> There was a
> rift. Some admins wanted to unblock one guy, but the bureaucrat didn't
> like him.
> Thus it seems to me that every Wiki should have two or more bureaucrats.

Pardon me but what are the rights of a bureaucrat that would scare off admins,
or would do anything to those who oppose the bureaucrat's opinion?

As far as I know a b. can give sysop rights. This should be based on community
will (preferably a vote). But apart from that I don't see any b. right to be 
a possible harm or oppression...

So why bureaucrats? I thought they are not even admins... (no admin rights)


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