[Wikipedia-l] unblocking

Puddl Duk puddlduk at gmail.com
Wed Nov 2 20:11:58 UTC 2005

On 11/2/05, Fred Bauder <fredbaud at ctelco.net> wrote:
> This is particularly important in the case of disruptive users who an
> administrator has blocked for a long period of time, perhaps
> indefinitely. Any administrator who feels it is appropriate can
> unblock them, but if no one out of hundreds of administrators is
> willing to, perhaps it is best to leave it in place.
> The downside is that some of those blocked don't know how to ask to
> be unblocked as perhaps they would be unblocked if they knew better
> who to appeal to.
> Fred

It is important for administrators to both review each other and be
open to criticism.

Generally, I stepped aside and encouraged the other admin to revise my
decision when there is a difference of opinion. Admins who can't
tolerate to be reviewed or criticised maybe shouldn't be an admins.

What really irritates me is when an admin modifies another admin's
block without discussion.

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