[Wikipedia-l] Re: Homosexuals and other groups overrepresented here(was: sco/fiu-vro in danger)

Anthere anthere9 at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 6 17:43:41 UTC 2005

David 'DJ' Hedley a écrit:
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Wouter Steenbeek" <musiqolog at hotmail.com>
> To: <wikipedia-l at Wikimedia.org>
> Sent: Monday, June 06, 2005 5:53 PM
> Subject: [Wikipedia-l] Homosexuals and other groups overrepresented
> here(was: sco/fiu-vro in danger)
>>>David 'DJ' Hedley wrote:
>>>>Indeed, the amount of openly LGBT Wikipedians is interestingly high. I
>>>>know why Wikipedia is so appealing to homosexual contributors, but it
>>>>appears to be that it is.
>>>We also have a disproportionate number of left handed people.
>>And of Asperger's syndrome bearers... It's just an advantage here when
>>you're somehow deviant... ;-). Such a project with an open,
> non-hierarchical
>>philosophy simply appeals to those who are not in in real life. (Please
> take
>>this with some irony, the undersigned is in one of these groups...)
> Well, i'm left-handed, but I don't have Asperger's syndrome. Infact i've
> never heard of it :/



By the way, has Aplank left us ? I have not seen him in quite a while. 
He is even listed TWICE on the Aspergian list :-)

I wonder if I should not add myself on it as some told I was a light 
autist as a child.

.... I just read something scary

''Autism presents in a wide degree, from those who are nearly 
dysfunctional and apparently mentally retarded to those whose symptoms 
are mild or remedied enough to appear unexceptional ('normal') to the 
general public. These autistic persons are often classified as "nerds" 
or "geeks" by their peers.''

Nerds ?

Geeks ??

Wikipediholics ???


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