[Wikipedia-l] On 10 minutes delay, banning, and patrolling.

Christopher Mahan chris_mahan at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 7 17:44:38 UTC 2005


My thoughts:

The 10 minutes thing is no good, because if someone is on the page
and sees a typo and wants to change it, then they get dumped to the
newer page, that has completely different text, and they don't want
to do the typo...

On vandalism: I think that there should be a 
Recent unpatrolled anon changes  (RUAC) link for logged in users
under the Recent Changes on the menu. Then it's a lot easier (and
easier on the db) to get the last x unpatrolled items.

Also, when clicking the "this page has been patrolled", one should be
returned immediately to the recent changes, or RUAC.

Finally, articles that currently have unpatrolled anon edits when
viewed by an logged in user should have something to indicate that in
the article display.

One more thing:

I think that in view of the tsunami tragedy and the fact that we're
at war and that W is a "work in progress", we can cut new users some
slack. They might come in and say "WTF" and click submit just for
fun, but might also become a great contributor long term. 

On the other hand, anons that put really obscene things, I go for 48
hrs immediate ban, no questions asked.

(You spit at a cop in public, you do not pass go, do not collect
$200, and get an unconfortabe backseat ride to the station) 

Ok, now I'm done. Whew!

Chris Mahan
818.943.1850 cell
chris_mahan at yahoo.com
chris.mahan at gmail.com

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