[Wikipedia-l] Christmas presents, or: MediaWiki, reloaded

Magnus Manske magnus.manske at web.de
Mon Dec 12 09:35:39 UTC 2005

Brion Vibber wrote:

>Magnus Manske wrote:
>>The first one you know, the validation feature, in its current
>>incarnation. It has already been pre-field-tested by some people from
>>the German wikipedia.
>This is still going to need rewriting before we can safely use it.
Well, it could've been ready right now, if you had told me what's wrong
when I asked, about a dozen times, for month...

>>The other one we talked about, the "stable version". This is a currently
>>a very basic implementation, and will be overhauled by me to add some
>>usability and reduce confusion (e.g., clicking "edit" on the stable
>>version page).
>Please confirm that you have talked with Tim, who is already working on version
>tagging keeping our caching requirements in mind.
No I didn't, I wasn't aware to that. (Which probably means I heared
about it but promptly forgot;-)

Anyway, mine is very simple: a new field in the page table, indication
the current "stable" version, or "0" if there is none. And a small
notice in the sub-header, with links.

Tim, if yours is more advances/better integrated/favorable in some other
way, please tell me so I won't waste any more time on my implementation


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