[Wikipedia-l] Why MO.wikipedia. - Moldovan, are written in cyrillic ?

Adrenalin adrenalinup at gmail.com
Mon Dec 5 18:11:25 UTC 2005

On 12/4/05, Arbeo M <arbeo_m at yahoo.de> wrote:
>  In a nutshell, Wikipedia currently delivers this message to users from Moldova:
>  "If you're using the Latin script (like your national constitution says and like the majority of your compatriots do) we'll call your language Romanian but in case you should use Cyrillic, then we'll consider your language Moldovan".

So, if you change the script, it become another language ?
Very strange point to me..

So, when Romanian language was written using Cyrillic (before
*1800s*), in your theory that language was called Moldovan ?

I would agree what Moldovan language is a artificial one, and was a
mistake of our parliamentary, but I'll never agree what it should be
written using Cyrillic, just because i was born in '88 and i never
wrote my language using Cyrillic script, and i never see people in my
country to wrote the Romanian language (what by mistake is called by
some ppl Moldovan) using Cyrillic script.

I'll suggest to remove the mo. subdomain at all, moving it to
mo-cyr.wikipedia.org would look like you'll save that actually-bad
joke with the hosting at the biggest free encyclopedia.

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