[Wikipedia-l] main page

Austin Hair callidus at austinhair.org
Mon Jul 26 23:09:47 UTC 2004

> www.serwis.tarnow.cc/wikip.htm

I haven't looked at this in a graphical browser, but I imagine it's very
slick and eye-catching -- kudos.  Unfortunately, I see that it's legacy
HTML 4.0 markup, rife with tables and <FONT> tags, and thus compatible
with neither our skinning system nor our Web design philosophies.

I don't have anything whatever to do with the design of the current
site, but speaking as a user with rather strong personal opinions I'm
inclined to reject it out of hand.  That being said, perhaps it can be
reworked in XHTML 1.1 and CSS with the help of our current team of very
capable Webmonkeys, at which point I think everyone would be receptive
to reconsideration.

Austin D. Hair <austin at austinhair.org>
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