[Wikipedia-l] pyWikipediabot news

Andre Engels engelsAG at t-online.de
Tue Apr 6 11:29:32 UTC 2004

"Pierre Abbat" <phma at webjockey.net> schrieb:

> I would like to modify it to work with Wikitravel. The main differences are:
> *URLs begin http://www.wikitravel.org/<language>, not 
> http://<language>.wikitravel.org/.
> *All Wikitravels are UTF-8 enabled.

The second is no big problem, the first is a bigger problem. Another issue
is that /wiki/ in Wikipedia is called /article/ on Wikitravel, but /articol/
on Romanian Wikitravel. I solved this by using the /wiki/wiki.phtml?title=
form in all cases on Wikitravel, whereas /w/wiki.phtml/?title= is being
used on Wikipedia only when necessary (so please, if you want the bot to
work _don't_ customize the name of the /wiki/ directory as well).

However, this left me with the first problem. I _thought_ that I could
simply change langs for that, but it appears that that is not the case.
Problem is, that it will now be looking for the sitename
http://www.wikitravel.org/en/ instead of http://www.wikitravel.org/, and
that one does not exist.

Andre Engels

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