[Wikipedia-l] Disambiguation detector

Oliver Pereira omp199 at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Fri May 30 14:21:47 UTC 2003

On Wed, 28 May 2003, Magnus Manske wrote:

> I hacked a small function that automatically shows what might be
> disambiguation pages below the page subtitle. This works for all pages
> with a " (" in the title.

This is very cunning! The list might get a bit cluttered, though, for
articles whose titles have lots of different meanings. And, although you
say that the feature is not meant to replace human-written disambiguation
pages, it might have the effect of discouraging people from writing them
in practice. On the other hand, it would help them, by telling them what
to put in those disambiguation pages...

On the whole, though, I think Toby's idea of linking to just the one
human-written disambiguation page is nicer, as it would clutter the page
less, and would leave disambiguation in the hands of the humans, who can
still do these things better. But maybe that's irrelevant, as this version
has been coded and that one hasn't...


| Oliver Pereira                            |
| Dept. of Electronics and Computer Science |
| University of Southampton                 |
| omp199 at ecs.soton.ac.uk                    |

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