[Wikipedia-l] Disambiguation detector

Sean Barrett sean at epoptic.org
Thu May 29 04:56:03 UTC 2003

Hash: SHA1

Axel Boldt wrote:
| If we adopt Magnus' feature (which I would support), then it should not
| become a user option. The whole point of the feature is to do away with
| hand-written disambiguation blocks, but that is only possible if
| everyone uses it.
| Axel

If everybody must use it and hand-written disambiguation blocks are to
be "done away with," then I oppose it.

Given a mandatory XOR choice between

	"See also USS Enterprise (1775), USS Enterprise (1799),
	USS Enterprise (1831), USS Enterprise (1874),
	USS Enterprise (CV-6), and USS Enterprise (CVN-65)."

and the 1500-character disambiguation block at USS Enterprise -- which
not only mentions the Star Trek ships and the Space Shuttle and the ten
HMS Enterprises but also describes a schooner and a motorboat that are
not worth separate articles AND gives a couple of points of distinction
between the each of the eight ships -- then I choose the hand-written,
informative page.

- --
~ Sean Barrett     | Lozhka diogtia portit bochku miodu.
~ sean at epoptic.com |
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