[Wikipedia-l] Re: Two issues here: what is legal to have on the server and what is legal in the user's nation

Lee Daniel Crocker lee at piclab.com
Thu May 22 16:49:08 UTC 2003

> (Jimmy Wales <jwales at bomis.com>):

> > BTW, is it just prudery that I seldom see nudity in american movies,
> > or are there laws against it? If so, this might become a similar
> > problem.
> America is the porn capital of the world,...

Apparently Jim has never been to Amsterdam. :-)

But for the most part, he's right: there are no restrictions on
nudity in movies, but the American market is such that too much
explicit sex will actually hurt the mass-market value of a movie.
French folks don't have a problem taking their kids to nice
family movie that happens to have a bit of nudity in it. American
parents in the heartland will consider a movie with any nudity to
be for adults only, and its market will be hurt.

Lee Daniel Crocker <lee at piclab.com> <http://www.piclab.com/lee/>
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