[Wikipedia-l] Trademarks and user names

Lee Daniel Crocker lee at piclab.com
Wed May 7 21:23:47 UTC 2003

> (Jens Frank <JeLuF at gmx.de>):
> Hello,
> A new user registered a few days ago using the name "Harry Potter".
> Warner Bros and JK Rowling have a trademark registered for this
> name.

If he writes a novel, or specifically portrays himself as
somehow associated with the novels (other than as simply a fan),
then there might be a problem. But trademarks are only valid
for the particular purpose for which they are used: you can't
trademark a name like "Apple", for example, and totally forbid
anyone to use it for any reason. But Apple records can prevent you
from selling records under that name, and Apple computer can
prevent you from selling computers under that name, because they
did it first and acquired name recognition in those specific
markets. But if you want to call yourself "Apple" for your own
personal reasons, that's fine.

Of course, none of that will prevent trademark owners from
/claiming/ that you are infringing when even they know you're
not, and making trouble. Until such a claim is made, I see no
reason to be paranoid about it.

Lee Daniel Crocker <lee at piclab.com> <http://www.piclab.com/lee/>
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