[Wikipedia-l] Be bold in improving Wikipedia's ugly layout! (Richard Grevers)

Erik Zachte e.p.zachte at chello.nl
Tue Jul 22 09:34:37 UTC 2003

> Huh? In IE, Tools, Internet options, click the "fonts" button
> on the first panel: "The fonts you select here are displayed on
> Web pages and documents which do not have a specified text font"
> - it's generic as can be. And I have 13pt Trebuchet
> selected in every browser.

So instead of waiting till 96% of all users change browser brand, you
want these poor people to find and change a default browser setting that
affects all web pages just for the sake of correcting Wikipedia design

Maybe we can discard all Wikipedias except the English one, if a user
really wants to read stuff in another language he can use Bable Fish. My
point: you'll have to design for the actual world, not the world as you
would like it be.

Erik Zachte.

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