[Wikipedia-l] phase III software for Romanian and Welsh

Chuck Smith msochuck at yahoo.com
Sat Jul 12 10:09:58 UTC 2003

I just wanted to say that with Brion's help, we set up
the Romanian (8 pages) and Welsh (12 pages) wikipedias
and I also added some of the special characters to the
Romanian version with the help of a Romanian coworker.

Unfortunately, we can't convert the larger Wikipedias
because it would be too much manual work, unless some
Wikipedians from those languages would be willing to
manually copy over all the pages.  I think this would
still be possible for the Volapuk (112 pages), Frisian
(51 pages), and Basque (48 pages) Wikipedias, but I'm
not willing to convert *that many* pages manually for
languages I don't know and I'm not learning... if you
want vo.wikipedia.org, fr.wikipedia.org, or
eu.wikipedia.org so you can copy the pages manually,
just send a message to Brion(brion at pobox.com) as soon
as possible since he takes off for Sweden on
Wednesday.  Otherwise you'll just have to wait until
the conversion script is finished.

Best wishes,

Learn Esperanto - http://www.lernu.net/
My homepage - http://www.amuzulo.net/
TEJO-Vikio - http://www.tejo.org/vikio/
Enciklopedio - http://eo.wikipedia.org/


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