[Wikipedia-l] Authorise temp defn of free

Ramanan Selvaratnam rama at ukfsn.org
Tue Dec 16 18:50:13 UTC 2003

Hi Brion,

There are good chances you will recieve these request for authrisation
four times. Apologies. 
Basically I had the message below posted at you meta home page than in
the ToDO list.
All comments from everyone intersted or with experience on the issue
please guide us on this.

A bit of an urgent issue... So I will mail you and the Intl and Legal
list on this too.
I had this posted under your meta page not Todolist.

I heavily editted the front page of ta.wikipedia to capture the meaning
of free as in freedom (as set out in the FDL) as the often found
misunderstanding of 'free of cost' was magnified by the initial
versions. The job was made easy as Mayooranathan, the original 
translator agreed and urged me to implement my change to LanguageTa.php
I have done the neccessary changes which should really be considered
*temporary* as the meaning of free as in freely distibutable or whatever
that it should be on Wikipedia has to be worked out with many other
capable individulas and possibly organisations, many with internet

So please authorise my temporay change to LanguageTa.php as it will help
convey the correct message to those who will inevitably browse through
to the front page as I go around advertising the ta module and the issue
of definition it self.

As for the appropriate text in the logo I have proposed a change to
mirror the style of the en logo and currently waiting confirmation from

FYI there is a discussions page linked from the front page of


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