[Wikipedia-l] Re: French wiki argument on language

Anthere anthere8 at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 12 01:47:33 UTC 2003

John C. Penta a écrit:
> [snip abstruse French language argument]
> No offense meant to Anthere, but it's a huge post.:-)

My apologies :-)
That was my last attempt on a npov topic I have been dealing with for 
nearly 2 years :-)
I'll shut up now.

> My personal opinion, as a distinctly monolingual English speaker:
> Go with what people *use*, not with what's officially correct.

But tired to swim against the flow.

> Wikipedia, by its very nature as a mass-edited compendium, is *not* going to be the preserve of the higher-class.

Let's wait for lower class to get here then :-)

> We're blue-collar, and better for that, I suppose. Also, purely out of usability, we're the better for keeping up with the language.

Agreed as well :-)

> John


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