[WikiJA-l] ......

cryso Benetti cryso76 @ hotmail.it
2005年 10月 29日 (土) 20:36:01 UTC

  Like making MONEIES ONLINE!!  It WORKS INDEED !!!!!!!!!1

a beautiful idea... works!!!


  This is a brilliant program!!  The power of EBAY and the mail in order to 
receive a bag of moneies fastly....

It works...  Read here!!!



3) therefore you must send via email Or DIFFUSE ON EBAY Or WHERE OTHER YOU 


  PayPal has verified that this outline of investment £3 (5 Euro)... LEGAL 
and is revealed the best of the year.

  The thing that renders this outline winning is:
There >>>>>> the FACTOR OF LOW  RISCK<<<<<<<

5 Euro is a figure to low risk to invest for


one RE-enters MONETARY even AFTER a MONTH

FOLLOWS the 3 STEPS HERE UNDER and GAIN 5000 EURO Leaves me to assure you 
that this is one perfectly legal OPPORTUNITY OF LEGITIMATE BUSINESS.  You do 
not have need to sell anything.  If you will make this, I GUARANTEE to you 
that in next the 30 days you will receive beyond 18000 euro in cash on 
account PAYPAL.

If you will decide not to be useful for this occasion that changes the life, 
I want that you know that respect sincerely your decision and you understand 
that you will have your good reasons.  I augur you therefore much fortune.
But you must remember, that I am not going to ask to you to send a single 
cent to me.  You will be in a position to receiving easy and fastly a great 
amount of money simply using a copy of this page and having a account on the 
most famous and sure system of payment on Internet PAYPAL that memory has 
verified and accepted this program.

Here under you will find reveals to you, step for step, in detail the simple 
things to make.

This program in truth is not nothing to report.  It exists from decades in 
various shapes, even if before it demanded more expensive shapes and lower 
longer times much for gain much.  Today, thanks to PAYPAL and Internet 
expenses are practically ZERO!  And, moreover the entire process is FAST, 
EASY and MUCH PROFITABLE one than how much never it has been before.

This is the system in order to earn SIMPLIER and EASIER that you have never 
met in the Internet history.

That you need is simply:

- an address email
- an Account PAYPAL (Premier or Business) with deposits 5 to you Euro
- 30 minuts of your time This system demands only 30 minuts in order to 
realize it.

  And after, you will have simply to wait for very much money on your 
account PAYPAL in the next weeks, simply thanks to these 30 minuts of time.

To open an ACCOUNT PAYPAL is completely GRATIS!!!  Before making that you 
must read the information that it finds here under.  And I assure to you 
that you will not forget NEVER this day!!!

Here what you must make

1°  STEP  OK, if still you do not have a PayPal account, before what to make 
is to go on the web page www.PayPal.com, and you must sign up for a PAYPAL 
account, (If you do not possess credit card you can buy a prepaied one. I 
remeber to you need a BUSINESS or PREMIER account, (not Personal) in order 
to receive the payments through credit card.

2° STEP is a universal law that wants that before receiving it must gives.  
Therefore as soon as you will have opened your Business or Premier Paypal 
account, you will have to immediately credit five euro through paypal in 
favor of first address email of the following list, writing in notes "Please 
adds me to yours mailing list" is recommended not to forget to add this 
famous one, in how much renders this program LEGAL.

1)	teflon_giusi @ yahoo.it

2)	bigo72 @ email.it

3)	petro.alex @ tiscali.it

4)	rosario.napoli1 @ tin.it

5)	cryso76 @ hotmail.it

As soon as you will have transferred five euro on the account to address 
email that is found here to the first place of the list over, will happen 
something much simple one.  It will give to you a sense of certainty and 
conviction in the operation of this system.  You have tried to same you, in 
how much you have hardly made it, that there is an enormous number of 
persons who reading this, will make the same one.  You have as soon as seen 
alone as this business works indeed!!!

3° STEP As soon as you will have transferred five euro on the address in top 
to the list, (not to forget to add notes, is a lot important) the next thing 
to make is makes a copy of this page, so that you will be able to diffuse 
through Internet or to send it via mail as I have made not less than 40 
persons (I remember that 40 persons are a good number in order to realize a 
good result, but obviously there am I vary free advertising media to you 
that can make you to catch up many more persons, and that therefore they 
will carry he turns out to you much greater.

The email THAT YOU WILL SEND or diffuse will have to bring back YOUR ADDRESS 
email to 5° the place of the list that you have found here over, after to 
have cancelled the address to number 1 and after to have scaled all the 
other addresses of one position.

A better way is that one than to copy and glue this new text, modified with 
your address to 5° the position, and therefore to send it to your relatives 
and friends email, or diffuse on WEB creating situated a free one to you, 
simply glue all the text (there are many situated that offer this service as 
www.geocities.com - www.freewebs.com etc free of charge)

Remember that the text that he sends he will have to bring back YOUR ADDRESS 
mail to 5° the position of the list that you have found over.

< < < < < < ATTENTION >>>>>>:

Don’t put your name endured in position 1 believing to receive the money 
before.  IT DOES NOT WORK THUS!!!  if you will make therefore you will catch 
up only the persons to which you will write directly and your address 
immediately will be cancelled and replaced from who it will enter, so you 
will not never catch up few persons, but you will be made outside from the 
gain system immediately.

Instead if you follow the rules and you insert your name to 5° the place, 
few persons they receive the email and many of them will join to the system, 
and when your address email reachs the first position you will catchs up 
thousands and thousands of persons.  As soon as you will have realized this 
message email, it sends endured it to all those that you know, or to all 
those who has participated to programs of Level Fines Marketing or that they 
have sent offered to you it trades them.  It waits for some day and you will 
see in the arc of some week to arrive not less than 10000 euro on your 
PayPal account.


When you send your email, your address is to the 5 place of the list.  This 
is the just position in which your name must be found, if indeed you want to 
receive many moneies.  The rate answer of this program is highest than any 
other never has been launch via email or Internet.  The medium rate answer 
to this program is of approximately 25% of the persons who from there will 
come to acquaintance thanks to yours mail or your publicity.

But we are pessimists and we say that it is 12.5%. If everyone of these 
persons only sends this mail to 40 other persons, is probable that 5 of them 
(12.5% of 40 = 5) also will join the sistem.  In that moment your name will 
pass to the place number 4.
We assume that these 5 only 40 persons make the same one and also they send 
email, catching up therefore others 200 persons.  Following the same 
principle, at least 25 persons will join the program (12.5% of 200 = 25) and 
therefore your to the 3 name will pass place.  At this time 1000 persons 
will come caught up others usual 12.5% will join and therefore others 125 
new persons who will carry your name to 2° the place of the list.  125 
persons who will also send only 40 mail will catch up 5000 persons of which, 
as usual, at least 625 will join carrying your name to 1° the place of the 
list.  These therefore will send theirs 40 mail very catching up 25,000 
persons of which 3125 persons and they wil jion the sistem and will send the 
5 euro to YOU.

In this way you I would receive 5 euro x 3125 = 15,625 euro.

Therefore, when your name arrives to the first place of the list is finally 
your moment to collect the money.  In the successes to you 30 days these 
moneies will begin are send to you.

This is all that that you must make.  30 minuteren of your time in order to 
see to you to credit on your PayPal account beyond 10000 euro in some weeks. 
  These are REAL moneies that you will be able to spend everywhere in the 
world paying directly with PayPal or crediting them on your credit card or 
prepaid paper.

It considers that this hypothesis is made on a scene where every person 
sends alone 40 mail, but thinks what happens if of they came sent 1000 or, 
if someone like me diffuses it in another way?  You I can assure between all 
the persons who will decide to join to this program will be sure some that 
they will not limit themselves to only send 40 mail, but will make very 
more, will make publicity, put announcements, they will acquire mailing list 
and a lot other, and you of it will receive the benefits, even if will have 
made only what they advise the rules to you, that is 30 minuteren of your 
time and 40 mail.

The 4 factors that render this program winning.




the LOWEST RISK Because for a virtual investment of ZERO (5 euro is 
practically 0 in our economy) has upgrades them of limitless gain.  What 
aspects to join?  5 euro today for thousends in little days?  Do you have 
still doubts?  Test it.

What you prefer to risk:  < < < < < < < 5 euro or to risk to lose the 
certainty to become rich????>>>>>>>>

And it remembers if you have need help with the recordings of paypal or with 
any other thing not to hesitate to contact to me.


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