[WikiEN-l] Dead wikipedians and how to really make a project boring to death

Ray Saintonge saintonge at telus.net
Thu Jul 27 18:11:56 UTC 2006

Silas Snider wrote:

>Except when process protects us from (potentially lenghty and costly)
>legal proceedings. Without a tag, it is not clear whether we have the
>right to even host the image.
It would be nice if people who put up these claims about protecting us 
had half a clue about what they are saying.  Such legal proceedings are 
always possible no matter what we do.  So too is winning the big prize 
in a national lottery.  If you sign a binding agreement to donate 50% of 
that prize to WMF when you win it, I would suggest that the Board not 
make that eventuality a prominent part of its future plans.


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