[WikiEN-l] Categories for deletion/discussion issues

Ray Saintonge saintonge at telus.net
Thu Jul 27 09:22:50 UTC 2006

Richard Holton wrote:

>On 7/25/06, Ray Saintonge <saintonge at telus.net> wrote:
>>Richard Holton wrote:
>>>I'd say that definition is unusual, even in the US. In common usage, a
>>>limited-access highway is a divided highway, with no cross roads--instead
>>>using on & off ramps.
>>Limited access highway would probably be understood generically in most
>>of the US, but the term  would not normally be used in the context,
>>"Take the limited access highway to get there."  Instead people would
>>say, "Take the freeway (or expressway, or Interstate, or turnpike
>>according to local custom)."
><chuckle> I talk that way all the time, don't you? You're correct, or
>course, (virtually) no one talks that way, but as you say, most would
>understand the term.
Having nobody talk that way is one of the strongest arguments for using 
the term.  :-)   I suspect that it's mostly used among those who work at 
planning, designing, and engineering road systems.

>>>In fact, "expressway" seems like a good synonym (to my very US-centric ears).
>>I don't think that its usage is uniform throughout the USA.
>Given the other responses, you seem to be correct.
>Perhaps we need to stay away from any of the regional/national/continental
>terms for the category name. We don't need to create a neologism--we could
>use a short descriptive phrase that gives a hint as to the meaning, and rely
>on text on the category page to clarify.
>Something like "Ramped roads", though I'm sure others will have better
"Ramped roads" give me visions of Evel Knievel.


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