[WikiEN-l] Categories for deletion/discussion issues

Ray Saintonge saintonge at telus.net
Tue Jul 25 14:46:35 UTC 2006

Richard Holton wrote:

>On 7/24/06, SPUI <drspui at gmail.com> wrote:
>>Guy Chapman aka JzG wrote:
>>>On Sun, 23 Jul 2006 19:53:09 -0400, SPUI <drspui at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>I've already explained that limited-access highway is ambiguous.
>>>No, you've named a single place which uses an unusual definition of
>>>limited-access road, which has no obvious parallels outside the US.
>>>Once again, The US <> The World.
>>Who is to say which definition is unusual?
>I'd say that definition is unusual, even in the US. In common usage, a
>limited-access highway is a divided highway, with no cross roads--instead
>using on & off ramps.
Limited access highway would probably be understood generically in most 
of the US, but the term  would not normally be used in the context, 
"Take the limited access highway to get there."  Instead people would 
say, "Take the freeway (or expressway, or Interstate, or turnpike 
according to local custom)."

>The USGS offers this common-sense definition:
>Limited Access Highway: A route that is part of the United States Interstate
>Highway System or other similar expressway.
That definition would be US-centric

>In fact, "expressway" seems like a good synonym (to my very US-centric
I don't think that its usage is uniform throughout the USA.

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