[WikiEN-l] WikiEN-l Digest, Vol 36, Issue 20

Daniel P. B. Smith wikipedia2006 at dpbsmith.com
Fri Jul 7 23:02:09 UTC 2006

> From: Jesse W <jessw at netwood.net>

> \However, many bad pages created are not created in bad faith - the
> people who create them are not vandals.  People who think the
> encyclopedia would benefit from an article on their novel theory of
> history, or their new company, or this fascinating new website they
> just came across - *are* *not* acting in bad faith, and *are* *not*
> intending to damage the 'pedia (although, in fact, they are), and so
> *are* *not* vandals.

When anyone who creates a new article, a message above the edit box  
is displayed which reads:

"Wikipedia is not an advertising service. Promotional articles about  
yourself, your friends, your company or products; or articles created  
as part of a marketing or promotional campaign, may be deleted in  
accordance with our deletion policies."

Anyone who goes ahead anyway and creates an article promoting their  
new company most certainly _is_ acting in bad faith.

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