[WikiEN-l] Viral swarming teenage vanity spam

Philip Welch wikipedia at philwelch.net
Wed Jul 5 18:18:39 UTC 2006

On Jul 5, 2006, at 10:46 AM, Lord Voldemort wrote:

> I just think we need to select admins who we can trust to make the
> decision to take these types of editors into less account than others.
>  Admins are chosen because the community trusts them to be able to
> determine consensus (along with a few other minor things ;-)).  So we
> need to make sure the quality of admins remains high.  We need admins
> that are willing to do a little research into the "voters".  And look
> at the discusison, not just the numbers on either side of the
> keep/delete line.  Admins that base things on numbers alone should be
> censured (or some other analogous procedure).  --LV

RfC? :)

Philip L. Welch

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