[WikiEN-l] The deletion paradox

Steve Bennett stevage at gmail.com
Tue Jan 31 09:05:58 UTC 2006

On 1/31/06, BJörn Lindqvist <bjourne at gmail.com> wrote:
> YOU are free to stop bothering WIkipedia's collaborative work if you
> think it amounts to a poor dog suffering a terminal illness in great
> pain. ME are free to continue adding my improvements to the greatest
> knowledge base in history if only you would stop trying to kill the
> dog.

Ouch, I expressed myself really badly. My analogy was meant for an
invidual bad article - do we hang onto it hoping that it will get
better (knowing that there is a shortage of willing manpower to do
this sort of thing), or do we just kill/bury/hide the article?

Wikipedia is great - it just has a rather long "tail" (appropriate for
the analogy...) of bad/short articles. Working out what to do with
them all is the problem...


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