[WikiEN-l] Ads on Wikipedia?

Delirium delirium at hackish.org
Mon Jan 2 02:01:05 UTC 2006

Rob wrote:

>On 1/1/06, Steve Bennett <stevage at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I thought the goal was to build an
>>encyclopaedia - so does it matter how many people are reading it?
>What's the point of an encyclopedia that no one uses?
It's not necessary for people to get it from *us*.  Our goal is to write 
an encyclopedia.  Once an encyclopedia starts emerging, the distribution 
task can be done by anyone, by the nature of open/free content 
licensing.  And it's a valuable enough resource that that is virtually 
guaranteed to happen---we've already started seeing high-quality 
3rd-party redistribution, such as the German paper version.


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