[WikiEN-l] new CheckUser proposal up

Anthony DiPierro wikispam at inbox.org
Thu Oct 13 16:54:46 UTC 2005

On 10/13/05, David Gerard <dgerard at gmail.com> wrote:

> * Remember that a small number of the developers (those who have
> access to the database) already have this power and use it. They
> control the horizontal, they control the vertical, they see all and
> know all — because they have to have complete control in order to
> administer a top-50 website. But they respect the privacy policy,
> because that's what you do as a sysadmin. The proposal is to extend
> access to just one power, so as to avoid a bottleneck of too few
> people for the job.

 Do you really think there are people at other top-50 websites with unlogged
and unfettered access to this sort of information?
 If so, do you think they had to go through any background checks, and sign
a non-disclosure agreement?
 It certainly *is* possible to set up a system so that *no single person*
can "see all and know all". I would hope all the other top-50 websites have
set up such a system.

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