[WikiEN-l] Sympathy entry: there appears to be an error in the example

DAVIDARPS at aol.com DAVIDARPS at aol.com
Sat May 7 09:28:34 UTC 2005

Below is from the Sympathy entr 
The bold statements appear to be reversed. 
Thus it is possible to be: 
    *   Empathetic but not sympathetic, by internally experiencing their  
feeling but not being motivated to alleviating action as a result (eg, a lust  
killer who is aroused by his victim's fear, or a con artist who knows how his  
"mark" feels but uses it to manipulate not support),
and it is also  possible to be:  
    *   Sympathetic but not empathetic by realising (perhaps _cognitively_ 
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cognition) )  someone is upset and wanting to 
alleviate that, but not experiencing their  sense of upset directly and internally 
as an emotional state within themselves  (eg, a person at a help desk who 
sees another in distress, does not feel  distress themselves, but tries to find 
what is wrong and help them anyway).  
(http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Sympathy&action=edit&section=1) ]
See also

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