[WikiEN-l] Neo-nazis to attack wikipedia

Chad Perrin perrin at apotheon.com
Tue Feb 8 23:10:02 UTC 2005

David Gerard wrote:
> Chad Perrin (perrin at apotheon.com) [050209 06:02]:
>>The real problem that arises, I think, is in new articles.  If someone 
>>from, say, the Stormfront crew creates a new article loaded with bias 
>>from day one, it's entirely possible it my fly in under radar (as 
>>'twere) for quite some time without being noticed.
> The Vicious Deletionist Forces watch Special:newpages reasonably closely.
> It's not *that* likely *no-one* will notice it.


Hm.  The VDF.  That sounds Wrong, somehow.


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