[WikiEN-l] SPOV threatens NPOV

Sam Korn smoddy at gmail.com
Fri Dec 16 22:18:11 UTC 2005

In 12/16/05, David Gerard <fun at thingy.apana.org.au> wrote:
> I'm still not at all convinced this is a problem, except in the view of
> those who don't like a label that accurately and concisely describes
> what they're doing.
> (and, per the A is part of B therefore B is part of A fallacy, I now
> expect someone to follow up with a marvellous strawman example of some
> unrelated grossly POV description)

I'm still not certain why "concepts described as pseudoscience"
wouldn't do.  It is NPOV and still conveys the same message.  It is a
little unwieldy, but it would work fine in prose and probably also as
a category title.


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