[WikiEN-l] Bradley, his contribs list, and feeding the "problem user"

John Bradley john at ontobus.co.uk
Sun Apr 24 19:58:08 UTC 2005


Just because you read bad things into everything doesn't mean it is actually 
what is going on, I'am justpointing out the powerlessness of arbcomm in the 
real world and why they are so tetchy.

You have all the answers you've needed you even seemed to have got it at 
one point but you'd forgetten in 10 secs.

Date sent:      	Sun, 24 Apr 2005 20:24:34 +0100 (BST)
From:           	Matt R <matt_crypto at yahoo.co.uk>
To:             	English Wikipedia <wikien-l at Wikipedia.org>
Subject:        	[WikiEN-l] Bradley, his contribs list,
	and feeding the "problem user"
Send reply to:  	English Wikipedia <wikien-l at Wikipedia.org>
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> Hi list,
> --- John Bradley <john at ontobus.co.uk> wrote:
> > I would like to request the following page be deleted 
> > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Matt_Crypto/list. It seems to be a list of 
> > things I have created.
> Not quite. This page is a list of the pages [[User:Irate]] (aka John Bradley)
> edited (in his last 500 edits) before he was banned. I created it [1] to keep
> an eye out in case he attempted to circumvent his ban (using the "related
> changes" tool, of course). I have some evidence this vigilence may be
> necessary; Bradley has said on this mailing list:
>    "I have started the WLF and the PFLW in an attempt to reverse the 
> perversion of the system introduced by the ArbComm and various admins. 
> Who are basically so up tight because they have a very limited ability to
> control Wikipedia, what with DHCP etc."
> And more explicitly in private email to myself:
>    "As I've said before to the arbcomm they do not have the ability to block
> me, 
> as I currently via the company VPN have 10+ IP access points on 3 continents. I
> also have access to a spell checker."
> Currently, I have no intention of deleting this page, although I might consider
> it if someone (other than Bradley, of course) asked me politely.
> My advice to everyone is simply to ignore this user. I've had no luck engaging
> him even after exchanging several emails. You're welcome to try, of course, but
> I believe you'd be wasting your time in his case. He's banned for three months,
> so he's not a current problem.
> -- Matt
> [[User:Matt Crypto]]
> [1] Don't worry, 5 minutes with a script -- not by hand!
> Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com 
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		John Bradley

Loc: 	Flat 15/22 Gambier Terrace, Liverpool, L1 7BL, UK.
Phone:	+44 (0)151 708 7238
Email:  john at ontobus.co.uk
WWW:	www.ontobus.co.uk

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