[WikiEN-l] Pointlesswasteoftime

ClockworkSoul mtitmus at optonline.net
Sat Apr 16 13:55:23 UTC 2005

That post was terrible and very atypical of me. I guess that I shouldn't 
deal with VfD after fighting with my wife.  :/


>>7. This post: You know, there's more of us than there is of them: we could swamp the hell out of their little board, if we had the inclination... - ClockworkSoul 21:40, 15 Apr 2005 (UTC)
>It doesn't particularly evoke wikilove. But how can they expect us to
>not vandalise their board if they do the same to us? There's bound to
>be some people here willing to do it as revenge.
>BTW, has anyone seen the message Mr. Cheese claimed to have written in
>which he asked for deletion nicely?

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