[WikiEN-l] Titanic, illustrated

Tony Sidaway minorityreport at bluebottle.com
Fri Apr 15 11:39:02 UTC 2005

Poor, Edmund W said:
>> the semi-fig-leafed scene where
> Jack draws his new girlfriend, are not central to the movie. Even
> though they are real crowd-pleasers, the plot would not have suffered
> by
> editing the car scene so that the frantically-excited couple are merely
> shown getting into the car and doing some intense necking (leave
> something to the imagination). And the drawing scene would have worked
> just as well with PG-type fig-leafing instead of the tantalization of
> "Ohmygosh, is she really showing her wobbly bits?"

In my opinion, it would have severely dented the credibility of the
director to have given in more than he did to the puritan sensibilities of
the US domestic audience.  Further fig-leafing would have been as
distracting to most audiences as those disturbingly flat-chested female
centaurs in Fantasia.

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