[WikiEN-l] Nude Kate Winslet Picture

Sean Barrett sean at epoptic.org
Wed Apr 13 15:03:23 UTC 2005

For me, the largest part of the problem with the Kate Winslet nude is
that it renders all of Wikipedia non-work-safe.  You can defend the
autofellatio picture by asking "why are you looking at an article
about sucking your own dick while at work?" but if any article that
mentions any person can have a nude picture of that person, I don't
dare use Wikipedia anywhere but in the privacy of my own bedroom, with
the shades drawn.

Right now, anyone at my place of work who happens to look up Kate
Winslet will be disciplined.  If he then inadvertently trips over
another Wikinude, he'll be fired.  In other words, Wikipedia is now
unusable in a buttoned-down professional environment.

Some of you, of course, think that makes Wikipedia a better thing.

 Sean Barrett     | There is no cause for alarm --
 sean at epoptic.com | but there probably will be.

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