[WikiEN-l] Re: Your arbcomm commitee

John Bradley john at ontobus.co.uk
Fri Apr 8 15:41:07 UTC 2005

> > Ok, well, I do, and you are cordially invited to either leave the
> > project or start treating other people with kindness and respect.
> > 
> > Do not respond to me with a tale of woe about other people starting
> > it.  We are all expected in Wikipedia to rise above the foibles of
> > others and do our best for ourselves.

Another question occurs. Is when are people going to treat me with 
kindness and respect. That has been noticeable in the non answering of 
questions evasive answering of questions. Which runs all the way to the 
top it seems.

If we are all expect to rise above the foibles of others, why is no one expect 
to rise above my foibles. Why is it so one sided. 

I'm assuming you count the false accusation of 3RR highlight on my page 
as just foibles I must over come, rather than the personal abuse it 
undoubtably is.		Yours

		John Bradley

Loc: 	Flat 15/22 Gambier Terrace, Liverpool, L1 7BL, UK.
Phone:	+44 (0)151 708 7238
Email:  john at ontobus.co.uk
WWW:	www.ontobus.co.uk

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