[WikiEN-l] Classified information in Wikipedia

MacGyverMagic/Mgm macgyvermagic at gmail.com
Fri Apr 1 22:22:06 UTC 2005

> >And how would you respond to someone publishing on Wikipedia the name
> >of you 12 year old daughter, what she looks like, where she goes to
> >school and when she leaves, and where you work and when you get home
> >from, and the names of several of your trusted neighbors?
> >
> How do you get from the issue of state secrets to invasion of privacy?
> The activities of Matt's hypothetical daughter are not on-topic to
> anything.  How can she possibly be involved with the cloak of national
> security?
> Ec
Revealing personal info on someone's family isn't allowed under
wikipedia law. It can put them in danger. ~~~~

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