[WikiEN-l] Re: Classified information in Wikipedia

Phil Sandifer sandifer at sbcglobal.net
Fri Apr 1 18:19:57 UTC 2005

Well, that or it says that some of us are more than a little skeptical 
about the motives and authority of the people doing the classification, 
and suspect that in many cases secrecy puts people in harms way too, 
it's just that those people are more politically desirable to 

Tough to say, really.


On Apr 1, 2005, at 12:14 PM, Blair P. Houghton wrote:

> I love this thread.  It points out just about everything that's wrong 
> with the surreal, insular world of Wikipedia.
> Information is classified because divulging it will place people in 
> harm's way.  In some cases, it will place millions of people in harm's 
> way.  There are politicized exceptions to this, but for the huge 
> majority of classified items keeping the information secret will save 
> lives, as will hindering its dissemination if it is somehow leaked.
> The fact that any of you are considering anything other than 
> immediately removing the information indicates that you care less 
> about human life than your petty authority over a toy encyclopedia.  
> It's sad and it's scary.
> --Blair
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