[WikiEN-l] Re: Re: Re: Re: VfD is broken

Rick giantsrick13 at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 7 05:03:28 UTC 2004

I have blocked Netoholic for 24 hours.  I am sure somebody will run slavering to the Special pages in order to unblock him as soon as they see this, but I'll tell you why I have blocked him.
Netoholic, since his first few days on Wikipedia, has been nothing but disruptive.  He created a page which he called policy concerning the names of television shows, did not tell anybody that it was there, did not indicate how long the vote on his supposed policy was supposed to be, and when four people stumbled across it and voted their approvals, he took it as gospel and immediately began the mass moving of article titles without anyone knowing it was going to happen.  As soon as people began questioning why he was moving them, he said, "it's policy", and pointed to his virtually unknown page.
Now he's on a rampage to make sure that VfD is "broken".  He is unilaterally removing pages from the VfD page, is being very combative in several discussions (yet when anybody disagrees with him he calls it personal attacks and removes their postings), and is repeatedly deleting the VfD header from pages that are still under discussion.  There appears to be no end in sight.
There is no point in my creating an RfC page on him, because nothing gets accomplished on those pages, and I refuse to go through the arbitration route.  Besides, how long can we survive the four to five months it would take to get anything accomplished?
Would SOMEONE please offer to mentor this person and make him understand that his actions are unacceptable?

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