[WikiEN-l] About the reliability of the Wikipedia process and content

Bryan Derksen bryan.derksen at shaw.ca
Wed Nov 17 03:34:43 UTC 2004

At 04:44 PM 11/16/2004 -0800, Mark Richards wrote:

>Well, if it's strictly for version 1, then fine, but I
>really don't see why a group of 'experts' would make
>for a more reliable article, it seems that it would
>simply add the standard predjudices that these groups
>The current process of everyone being able to review
>seems to be better. For sure, eternal vigilence is

Everyone would be able to review the choices the "experts" make, too. If 
you think the review process makes mistakes, point them out so they can 
either be corrected or defended. If you can demonstrate that the "experts" 
are in fact reducing the reliability of articles or introducing verifiable 
prejudices, then I expect there'd be a movement to fix whatever's causing 
the problem - perhaps even abolishing the whole review system as a bad 
idea, if it comes to that. At which point nothing at all will have been 
lost since Wikipedia will have continued chugging along regardless.

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