[WikiEN-l] Re: Top-posting

Jens Ropers ropers at ropersonline.com
Sat Nov 6 14:06:28 UTC 2004

On 6 Nov 2004, at 02:13, Daniel P.B.Smith wrote:

> <snip top-posting related email />
> --
> Daniel P. B. Smith

Thanks Daniel. :)
Your post explains a lot, "reaches out to the ostracized", rightly 
ranks this issue as what it is (a matter of preference) and boldly 
dares to criticize the intrepid proponents of "the right way".

While I have personally never been more than a fleeting usenet-visitor 
(if at all), my long abstention from online activities (incl. BBS' and 
Internet services, especially "old school" ones such as IRC, NNTP) had 
more to do with German and Irish phone pricing than with any lack of 
"techiness". Even local calls were NEVER free/flatrate, and way back 
when there only was one calling plan and phone company. Which meant 
that even FidoNet could easily cost yer a bleedin fortune. So it felt a 
bit stupid to find myself on the wrong side of the fence.

-- ropers [[en:User:Ropers]] (who'll try his best but can't guarantee 
that he won't habitually top-post in the future, and who personally 
actually mostly prefers "intelligent", limited history preserving 

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