[WikiEN-l] Re: Arbitration Committee term lengths

Arwel Parry arwel at cartref.demon.co.uk
Tue Dec 21 15:12:40 UTC 2004

In message <41C7E70D.80000 at earthlink.net>, Michael Snow 
<wikipedia-ihVZJaRskl1bRRN4PJnoQQ at public.gmane.org> writes
>Angela wrote:
>>I don't think three years is excessive. It might seem a long time
>>since Wikipedia is a relatively young project
>It seems like a long time not just because Wikipedia is young, but 
>because realistically, it is a very long-term commitment relatively to 
>the contributing lifespan of quite a few Wikipedians. Turnover and 
>attrition will happen among arbitrators as well.

It's not an unprecedented period of office in online fora. The "open" 
members of the UK Usenet Committee  (the body which supervises the uk.* 
newsgroup hierarchy) is elected in thirds every year -- see

Arwel Parry

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