Jimmy Wales jwales at bomis.com
Wed Oct 15 13:29:21 UTC 2003

Dante Alighieri wrote:
> With all due respect mav, this is bs. No one voted for the logo that is 
> currently on the 'pedia. I'd like to ask Jimbo to step in at this point 
> and make some sort of  decree from on high... this logo thing is 
> getting out of hand.

I'm not sure what I'd decree.  My wife asked me the other day "why
does the logo keep changing?"  I had to admit that I didn't actually
know.  I just said, "Oh, you know... wikipedia... we like to change
things... and there's some kind of vote going on, or revisions or

It'd be irresponsible for me to make a decree when I've given up on
following the details lately.  :-)

But I can make a meta-decree: we need to draw this to some kind of
conclusion within the next week or two.  And the conclusion, the
selected logo, should have been chosen by the process that we've been
following, including voting and what-not.  And unless someone has a
really good case that Erik has done something egregiously contrary to
the spirit of voting on the logo, I'll leave it to him to certify the
final result.  And I think we should have another logo competition of
some sort, 2 years hence.


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