[Wikide-l] CNET-Interview mit Wales - kündigt u.a. experimentelles Feature auf wpde an

Hella Breitkopf hella.breitkopf at gmail.com
Mi Aug 23 23:19:40 UTC 2006

Hallo Liste,

Aus dem C-NET-Artikel http://news.com.com/2100-1038_3-6108495.html

"But now, Wales said, administrators of the German Wikipedia--the
second-largest version after English--have come up with a system that
could protect live articles, especially obscure ones that escape
regular scrutiny from hawkeyed community members intent on maintaining

As always, anyone will be able to make article edits. But it would
take someone who has been around Wikipedia for some
yet-to-be-determined period of time--and who, therefore, has passed a
threshold of trustworthiness--to make the edits live on the public
site. If someone vandalizes an article, the edits would not be
approved. "

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