[Mediawiki-l] Re: mediawiki upgrade

Ira Abramov lists-MediaWiki-l at ira.abramov.org
Mon Jan 3 11:46:20 UTC 2005

Quoting Fran?ois Van Der Biest, from the post of Mon, 03 Jan:
> When I want to restore my old data :
> cat wiki.db | mysql -u root -p wikidb
> this tells me : "ERROR 1050 at line 11: Table 'archive' already exists"

this is reqally a mysql qeustions. the dump is really a script that
creates the databases, the tables and finally the rows. it assumes you
are running with an empty DB. if you don't want to assume that you can
tell it during the dump to create the sql script with "drop table"
before each creation, and thus you won't get stuck with tables that
already exist. man mysqldump, this is how I create a daily backup:

mysqldump -A -a -e --add-drop-table --add-locks \
        -F -q --password='**********'| \
        gzip -c --rsyncable > dailyDump.sql.gz

> So my question would be : how do i get my old data back into my new 
> install of mediawiki ?

how about leaving it on the DB untouched and upgrade according to the

A can of Whoop-Ass
Ira Abramov

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