[Mediawiki-l] Removing index.php in ALL URLs

paul-wikil at wibbles.org paul-wikil at wibbles.org
Thu Dec 23 07:23:07 UTC 2004

Is this a supported configuration in 1.3.9:

The URL is http://developer.fictionalley.org/wiki.  ModRewrite permits
http://developer.fictionalley.org/wiki/Main_Page for the top page.  And the
links on the pages are similar URLs.

The problems I'm seeing are numerous redirects with the Apache log
ping-ponging between URLs like the following:

   GET /wiki/?title=User ...
   GET /wiki?title=User ...
   GET /wiki/?title=User ...
   GET /wiki?title=User ...

However, if I configure LocalSettings to display the links on the pages to
contain index.php in the URL (for example,
http://developer.fictionalley.org/wiki/index.php/Main_Page), there are no
problems with numerous redirects.

The reason I'm wondering if links on the page of this form is supported is
that half the redirects happen from the file includes/RawPage.php on line
63.  And in my configuration, wgScript is '' and PHP_SELF is '/wiki/'.  To
me, it looks like this is intended in that file and it was looking for a
filename/script in the URL.

An interesting thing this is, wikipedia.com and meta.wikipedia.org have no
problems with having URLs without including the script name, index.php.



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