AW: [Mediawiki-l] Parsing wiki test in an extension

Heli Retzek helmut.retzek at
Mon Dec 6 13:25:53 UTC 2004

> I don't know if this is correct or even supposed to work but I've gotten
> my extension to work (i.e. process wiki text) using the following:
> function myExtension($input) {
>    global $wgParser;
>    //So some work and assign the result to $output
>    $output = $wgParser->internalParse($output, true);
>    return $output;
> }


Well, in my case - I tried an extension that allows certain formatting
(including color) your solution breaks part of the style-command (the
Fontsize is ignored, though simple style-tags are processed).

$wgExtensionFunctions[] = "wfH1Ext";

function wfH1Ext() {
    global $wgParser;
    $wgParser->setHook( "HR1", "HR1Formatter" );

// The callback function for converting the input text to HTML output
function HR1Formatter( $input )
{global $wgParser;

  $output = "<div
    //$output = $wgParser->internalParse($output, true);
    return $output;

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